

Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Saints, Angels, Fairies, Demons, and Ghosts (Witchcraft & Spells) by Judika Illes is a great source for any named spirit you might be able to think of. It provides information you would need if  you wish to work with them or even just understand them better.


Pagan's Witchy Corner/Witchy Corner Productions is a great resource for easy listening, finding other resources (some of which are on this list), and getting an overall feeling for how craft could look for different people. It is a really happy and warm feeling podcast I absolutely love. I've linked to the YouTube, but it is also available on Spotify.

Music and Meditation Sounds

I sometimes like to listen to instrumental music with rain sounds for my meditations and to help me get into a trance space. You can use any music you'd like, but this is what works for me. I tend to avoid songs with vocals if I can, as it tends to distract my line of thoughts.